I was on the trial team that defended ATI against infringement allegations under patents owned by Silicon Graphics, Inc.

SGI was a pioneer in computer graphics and supercomputers. With the rise of PC graphics companies like ATI and nVidia, SGI became a shell of its former self and was teetering on bankruptcy. In 2005, SGI sued ATI, which had recently been acquired by AMD. I was involved in nearly every aspect of this case. I led the non-infringement team, and was heavily involved in briefing ATI's defenses in summary judgment. Just days before trial, the district court granted ATI's motion for summary judgment, and let ATI go forward on its invalidity defense.
I was instrumental in briefing ATI's appeal. The Federal Circuit upheld nearly all of ATI's defenses, remanding only a narrow subset of SGI's claims to the trial court. On remand, I was responsible for patent damages and general trial preparation.
SGI and ATI reached a confidential settlement agreement shortly after ATI filed nearly two dozen pretrial motions in limine. I was responsible for drafting that settlement agreement and patent license