Intergraph Litigation
I was an integral part of a team representing Intergraph in patent litigation involving cache memory management and computer microarchitecture. Our initial case was against Dell, HP, and Gateway. We later asserted the same patents against Toshiba and NEC.

Prior to my involvement, Intergraph had granted a license to Intel. We had to overcome substantial challenges from Dell, HP, and Gateway based on patent exhaustion at the same time as that issue was being decided by the Federal Circuit and, ultimately, the U.S. Supreme Court. My work on the cases included work on patent exhaustion, claim construction, inequitable conduct, and settlement agreements/licenses.
In the first phase of the litigation, Intergraph recovered $225 million from Dell/Intel, $10 million from Gateway, $20 million from AMD, and $141 million from HP. In the second phase, Intergraph reached a settlements with NEC and Toshiba that remain confidential.